Wednesday 27 March 2013


Sometimes all it takes is 90 seconds. To be more specific 97 seconds consisting of 3 verses of thought provoking lyrics. Sometimes that's all you need.

"I've seen the true face of the things you call Life. 
The voice of the siren that holds your desires.
But Death, she is cunning, and clever as hell, 
and she'll eat you alive."

So that was Maggie and Tyler Heath, a sibling duo from Texas who make superb folk rock music under the name The Oh Hello's. While creating a steady following stateside over the last year they released their debut album Through the Deep, Dark Valley last October which they produced and released fully independently. Like all great folk albums it's a self-contained concept album which the band themselves state is at its best when "listened to in its entirety, in chronological order, in one sitting." For that full listening experience head to their bandcamp where you can also buy the album on a lovely "name your price" scheme. Fans of The Lumineers, Edward Sharpe and Of Monsters Of Men should be all over this!

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